
Our hike to Timpanogos Cave

I have intended to take Trevor and my boys to Timpanogos cave for a couple of years now and haven't done it. The summer seems to fly by before we get a chance. This year I was determined to do it. Trevor had never been there and D.J. is a science nut so I knew they would love it. I even talked my Dad into coming along with us, he's such a good sport. My Mom kept Libby home with her since I couldn't imagine taking her on that trail. I would have been a basket case worrying about her. It was a beautiful hike and just like I had hoped they loved it. D.J. was in heaven the whole time.

We left early in the morning so it was a little chilly. The boys wanted to wear their arm warmers from school. They are a little funny looking but they love them. The kids wear these on spirit day with their school shirts. I guess it's the 'cool' thing to do this year. :)

D.J. has always been fascinated with Science and has read many books about cave formations. He knew a lot of the names of things in the cave before the ranger even told us. I was so impressed. (He got his smarts from his Dad) LOL During the tour D.J. was right behind the ranger the whole time even when the rest of us were in the back. After the tour was over D.J. sat and asked her TONS of questions. She was so kind and answered all of them. It was a great day for him.

Trevor has decided that next year we are going to do a real backpacking trip with the boys. He's even bought a new backpack and a new tent. Hopefully I'll have a good excuse by next summer to get out of it. LOL

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