
Dance Festival 2010

The boys elementary school held a dance festival on Wednesday. Luke & D.J. did a great job. D.J.'s class danced to 'Footloose' and Luke's class danced the macarena. It's was really cute. I'm sorry the pictures aren't the greatest, our seats were really far away from the boys.

My Handsome Boys

D.J. loved every second of the festival. He loves to sing and perform.
He got really into it. He was so fun to watch.

Luke on the other hand was very uncomfortable. He doesn't like to be
the center of attention and couldn't wait for the dance to be over.
I was so proud of him for pulling his hands out of his
pockets and trying to do it. He is such an awesome little kid.
After the festival the kids got to go home early so we decided to do something fun. The kids and I went to see a movie that they've been waiting to see, 'How to train your Dragon'. It was cute. Libby got scared a couple of times because it was in 3D and she didn't like the dragons jumping out at her. She keeps telling us, "Dragon movie too scary for me". LOL She did love the candy and drink though.


The Spigarelli Family said...

How fun to watch them dance and sing. I totally could see DJ getting all into it. I want to take Mason to that movie so bad, just finding the time is hard. What a fun day for you all. :)

Megan said...

Cute Sarah! I love their little dance outfits! Kiley's is this next week and she can't wait!
I thought that movie was so cute, what did you think?
I feel like we haven't talked in forever!!!! See ya next week. YAY!

Jamie said...

Such cute boys! I seriously thought I was the coolest when we had those dance festivals in elementary! I couldn't wait to be in 6th grade so I could do the electric slide! My daughters school doesn't do it, bummer!