
D.J.'s last 3rd grade party!

D.J's third grade year is coming to an end and today was his last class party. I have really enjoyed being the room mom for D.J.'s class this year. We had fun today playing games, eating Popsicle's, and decorating t-shirts to wear on the last day of school. After we decorated them the kids had all their classmates sign their shirt. Unfortunately I was so busy that I didn't get a chance to take a lot of pictures.

Both of the boys had great teachers this year. It makes it so nice as a parent to have teachers that really care about their students. These are the gifts I made for their teachers. They each got a beach towel, a magazine, drink mixes, and sunscreen with a note that said, 'I hope you have a relaxing summer... you deserve it!' (I found this idea on tipjunkie.com)

This is D.J. giving Mrs. Davis her present.

Mrs Davis signing D.J.'s shirt.

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