
July is just a blur...

So I am not doing so hot at getting our blog up to date. I had really good intentions a couple of weeks ago to get it all done and then, well, life happened and it just didn't work out. In an effort to get caught up I'm going to cruise through July in one post...

July marked a year since the pain in my back started and I'm really disappointed to report that it's still here...every single day. I'm trying to stay hopeful that the doctors will be able to find a way to help me but in the meantime I've learned that all I can do is pray, be patient, and try (no matter how hard it is) to not complain about it. I'm sure everyone around me is as sick of hearing about it as I am feeling it. As of now, the doctors still feel like the cause of the pain is endometriosis. It sounds like I will probably be getting a minor surgery to try and help it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will help and I can get back to normal.

The first week of July I went to Youth Conference with our young woman. It was a lot of fun. I would show you the pictures but I was warned by the girls that I was not allowed to show pictures of them camping, with no make up, on my blog. LOL A couple of weeks later we went to Girls Camp. We went to Mutual Dell this year for stake camp and had a great time. I was told not to show pictures again but I wanted to post at least a couple. Don't tell them. I love these girls so much, even if they do think they are gangsters. :)

One of the highlights of July was the week that Trevor and I were able to go river rafting in Wyoming with some of our friends. This was our second year going and we had been looking forward to it all year. The first night we went to Jackson Hole and had dinner. It's such a fun place to visit. The rest of our trip was spent camping and rafting, it was awesome! I was lucky last year and never fell in the river so I knew I wouldn't be that lucky two years in a row. I was right. I fell in while we were floating the Big Kahuna. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined but I won't lie and say it was fun. LOL It's so nice to get away as a couple and spend time together. I hope we get to go again next year. It's Trevor's turn to fall in.

Here's Trevor being, well...Trevor. He loved this bear chair he found in Jackson Hole.

The kids finally talked Harmony and I into taking them to the zoo. The zoo isn't my favorite place to visit, I'm not what you would call an animal lover, but the kids love it so off we went. Libby wasn't feeling very good that day and as soon as we got there she started getting a fever. She wasn't very happy and spent a lot of time crying and napping in the wagon. I felt so bad for her. I was getting ready to take her home when she threw up in front of the tiger cage. After that she felt a lot better and enjoyed the rest of the day. I felt so bad for the people who had to see her get sick but I was glad she felt better. :)

Watching the monkeys

Libby was so sick that she would lean against the glass while she looked at the animals. :(

The highlight of the day was going to the animal show where the kids got to pet some wild animals.

Another exciting thing that happened in July was that D.J. earned his Wolf award in Cub Scouts. He has been working very hard all year and was so excited to earn this award.
Way to go D.J., we are so proud of you!
Is there anything cuter than a boy in a cub scouts uniform? I don't think so! :)
Each Summer Trevor's Mom and Dad let the boys come to Idaho for a week and have a 'Boys Week' at their house. This year their cousins Isaac and Jake were able to go too. They had SO MUCH FUN! On the way to Nampa we went to Blackfoot to pick up Jake and got to visit Lori, Trevor's sister, and her family. Libby had so much fun playing with Katelynn while we were there. I'm pretty sure they changed their clothes at least 10 times in 12 hours. Girls are so fun!
Libby & Katelynn

Helping Lori make breakfast.

Trevor and the boys rode Jake's motorcycle in the morning. Trevor had fun up until he crashed the motorcycle. Everyone was laughing hysterically except for Jake. He wasn't too happy that Trevor got his bike dirty. :)

Libby got sick of me taking pictures. Here she is telling me to 'STOP'! LOL

D.J., Isaac, Grandpa, Grandma, Libby, Luke, and Jake

They were spoiled rotten at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They went swimming, rode the paddle boats, played games, and ate like kings. Their favorite part of the whole week was driving Grandpa's golf cart. They talked about it for days after they got back. D.J. does owe his Grandpa a new fence post, he lost control and crashed. Sorry!
Thanks Mom & Dad for making such great memories for our boys. They love being at your house, and being with you. You are the best!

Whew....I think that's most of the highlights from our July this year.
What a fun & crazy month!


The Spigarelli Family said...

Well it is about time! LOL Love the post update and love all the pictures. Now I can put an image with all the stories I hear at our GNO. :) Your kids are so cute and I love the pics of the rafting, you are better sport than I would have been if I had fallen in. ;)

Jamie said...

Wow, I'm still totally laughing at the rafting pictures!!! AWESOME!!!!
Hope your back feels better soon!