
Going to the Temple

This summer was wonderful for our family. We are so blessed that my Grandma Ivins decided to go back to the temple after more than 60 year. My Grandpa and Grandma were sealed in the temple when they got married and never went back. I have had a few conversations with my Grandma about going back to the temple and she always told me she is too old to change. As a family we have prayed for years that she would realize that it's never too late. Our prayers were answered and the day finally came! A few months ago she came to watch Liberty's dance recital and as I walked her to her car after it was over she said she had something to tell us, "she had been meeting with her bishop, going to church, and reading the Book of Mormon and had decided it was time to go back to the temple." I started crying as soon as she told me, that moment will always be a highlight in my life. My Grandma is an amazing woman and I look up to her so much. Her testimony has strengthened mine. I am so proud to be her granddaughter.

Grandma and her kids.

Grandma's support group. She is so loved!
(she also has many more that couldn't make it that day)

My beautiful Grandma

A week after my Grandma went through the temple we were able to go back and celebrate again. My brother Jeff and his wife Amanda went through the temple for the first time and were sealed together for eternity! Their baby girl Kaidence was also sealed to her Mommy & Daddy. She looked so beautiful in her white dress. It was a beautiful sealing and many happy tears were shed. I sat next to my Mom in the sealing room and she leaned over and told me that it was the happiest day of her life. She was finally in the temple with all five of their children and their spouses. It was a powerful day, one I will never forget.

Families can be together Forever

Our family
Nick, Jeff, Tony, Harmony, Mom, Dad, and Sarah
I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. It has taught me how important families are and that miracles DO happen everyday. I know that someday, if we follow the commandments and endure to the end we will be together forever and I can not imagine anything better than that.

1 comment:

Nichole W. said...

I love that your Grandma and Jeff both went through the temple! What a blessing for your family!