
Ivins Family Halloween Party

It's that time of the year again! Time for the annual Ivins family Halloween party. We look forward to this party every year. It's so fun to dress up in our costumes and be silly together as a family.
This year we were...
Trevor: A Blind Referee
Sarah: A Prisoner
D.J: Luigi
Luke: Mario
Libby: A Witch
I was stunned when D.J & Luke decided to be Mario and Luigi this year. Usually they don't like to do anything alike but they saw these costumes and thought it would be so fun. I love them. I think they look so cute in them. In true Libby fashion, Libby has changed her mind about her costume on a daily basis. She was going to be Rapunzel but decided to be something different for each party so goes to. I told her I would only buy her one costume so she has gone through her dress up clothes and found a few more costumes. She is a funny girl.

My Crazy Boys

The Tony Ivins Family
Tony & Jayanne's costumes were my favorite.
They were Popeye & Olive Oil. Aren't they cute?
The Jeff Ivins Family

Grandma & Grandpa
Baby Gwen was the cutest poodle ever.

This year we held our party at a barn in American Fork
instead of the senior citizens center. It was a really fun place.

My Aunt Chris was in charge of the party and did an amazing job. Thanks Aunt Chris!

I love this picture of Bubba and my Mom. He loves his grandma so much. She is one of his best friends. I get jealous of her because he constantly gives her hugs and I have to chase him around the house for just one hug.

There were lots of games for the kids to play. One of the favorites was a donut eating contest. Libby couldn't figure out why people didn't just hold on to the donut and eat it like she did. LOL

There was also face painting, ring toss, and coloring activities.

My Mom & I were in charge of the face painting. I am NOT a good artist so the poor kids were walking around with the most bizarre pictures on their faces but I tried. :)

It was another awesome Halloween party! I love getting together with my family. No matter what we are doing we always have fun.
Thanks again Aunt Chris, you did an amazing job!

1 comment:

The Spigarelli Family said...

What a fun party. Your family looks great in their costumes. Libby is so funny!! I am sure you did a great job on the face painting. :)