
Hate? That's a strong word...

As I was picking up after the boys the other day a notebook opened up to something very interesting. This is what I found...

Wow! Considering Luke can only spell one word, his name, the culprit had to have been D.J.. At first I felt kind of bad, then I just had to laugh. I'm sure I did something terrible like ask him to turn the T.V. off or heaven forbid brush his teeth. My mind quickly jumped ahead a few years and pictured the times he will feel this way about me. Like the times when I expect good grades, give him a curfew, and make him get a job to pay for a car and gas money. I guess I have to prepare now. We have some good times ahead!

♥ Just for the record, he gave me a huge hug and kiss today and told me he loved me so I'm pretty sure we are O.K.... for now. ♥


Preston and Keri said...

Oh, I dread those days. You are so good to look at it that way. I probably would have just cried.:)
It's scary to look back at how I acted as a kid and think that my kids will act the same way.Why can't they just stay sweet forever?!;)

Megan said...

Oh man, I am so sensitive and I would've probably bawled! I have had Kiley say things like that too me and it isn't something you ever want...but it is kinda funny too. The hugs and kisses make it ok that's for sure!! What will we do when they are teenagers?

April said...

I'm so sorry you found something like that! You're right that it was just from something silly, but that still must've really hurt! I probably would've cried!! We definately have some interesting years ahead! Raising kids is hard!

FishinFamily said...

Oh goodness I can hardly wait for my kids to do this!! Mason's latest has been "Don't look at me mom."
You are such a great mom, I know they all adore you! =)
Thank heaven for that kiss and hug though right?!